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Thread: Excel Not Enough memory error into a export to pdf

  1. #1

    Excel Not Enough memory error into a export to pdf

    I created a VBA script to convert an Excel file to PDF. The script functions well; however, the issue arises when attempting to convert multiple files. After processing a few files, an error message stating 'there isn't enough memory to perform this task' appears. Strangely, the occurrence of this error seems random. For instance, during the initial run, I successfully converted 25 files without encountering any problems until the error surfaced. On subsequent attempts, the error occurred after processing the first file. After making adjustments to the script, I was able to convert approximately 10 or 12 files before facing the same memory-related error. Interestingly, a colleague is experiencing the exact same issue.
    I searched a little bit on the internet and tried to fix it. I checked the option to 'Ignore other applications that use DDE.' The computer should be okay, with 8 GB RAM and an i5 processor. The system is 64-bit. My colleague's computer is even better, with 16 GB RAM and an i9 processor, I believe.

    I tried the 'print to PDF' option, but it's not really suitable for what I want to do because a prompt asking me where I want to save the folder always opens.
    I also tried to put a timer between files, thinking that if there is a break between them, maybe it will work. It's not working.
    I am pretty sure that the script is fine, i get over some ole action error from a script wich donwload bulk data from SAP, but i can't find nothig on this one.
    This is the script. Has anybody else had this issue?

    Public Sub OpenExcelFilesAndConvertToPDFWithPause()
        Dim excel_file As String
        Dim wb As Workbook
        Dim COD_ANRE As Variant
        Dim nume_fisier As Variant
        Dim folder_fisier As Variant
        Dim pdf_folder As Variant
        Dim ws As Worksheet
        Dim activeRow As Long
        ' Set the flag to false initially
        ShouldStop = False
        Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
        activeRow = ActiveCell.Row
        If ws.Cells(activeRow, 1).Value = "" Then
            MsgBox "Active row is empty. Please select a non-empty row.", vbExclamation
            Exit Sub
        End If
        ' Specify the folder path for PDFs from cell M1
        pdf_folder = ws.Range("M1").Value
        ' Check if the specified folder exists
        If Len(Dir(pdf_folder, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
            MsgBox "PDF folder not found: " & pdf_folder, vbExclamation
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Do While ws.Cells(activeRow, 1).Value <> "" And Not ShouldStop
            COD_ANRE = ws.Cells(activeRow, 1).Value
            nume_fisier = ws.Cells(activeRow, 13).Value
            folder_fisier = ws.Range("B1").Value
            ' Construct the file path based on the active row
            excel_file = folder_fisier & COD_ANRE & "_CEF_" & nume_fisier & ".xlsx"
            ' Check if the file exists
            If Dir(excel_file) <> "" Then
                ' Open the Excel workbook
                Set wb = Workbooks.Open(excel_file)
                ' Optionally, you can perform additional actions with the opened workbook here
                ' Construct the file path for the PDF using the specified folder
                Dim pdf_path As String
                pdf_path = pdf_folder & COD_ANRE & "_CEF_" & nume_fisier & ".pdf"
                ' Convert the sheet "1. calcul reficienta economica" to PDF
                ConvertSheetToPDF wb, "1. calcul reficienta economica", pdf_path
                ' Close the workbook without saving changes
                wb.Close SaveChanges:=False
                MsgBox "File not found: " & excel_file, vbExclamation
            End If
            ' Pause for 2 seconds
            Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02")
            ' Move to the next row
            activeRow = activeRow + 1
    End Sub
    Public Sub StopScript()
        ' Set the flag to stop the script
        ShouldStop = True
    End Sub
    Last edited by Paul_Hossler; 02-16-2024 at 05:22 PM.

  2. #2
    VBAX Regular
    Sep 2023
    What is this calling ConvertSheetToPDF? You can save the workbook ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, _ Filename:=saveLocation.

    You will also want to make sure to release the objects you create with Set, Set wb = nothing after you close the workbook. VBA Out of Memory Error - Automate Excel, you can debug the code and watch the Task Manager to see what parts of the macro increase memory usage.

    Debugging in Excel VBA (In Easy Steps) (

    I'd start there.

  3. #3
    ConvertSheetToPdf is calling a subroutine with sheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, fileName:=pdfPath, Quality:=xlQualityStandard.
    I integrated the Set wb = Nothing. Also, I opened Task Manager to see how much of my memory is used while running the script. My script used an extra 10 MB of memory (I checked the memory usage of Excel before and after starting the script). Nevertheless, it didn't reach 100% of my memory. Still, the error appeared again.
    As you can see, it's not the VBA out-of-memory error; it's the Excel out-of-memory error. Of course, after this error appears, VBA gives me a 1004 error.

  4. #4

  5. #5

    Sorry for posting multiple replies, but I was really strugling to upload these pictures

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