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Thread: Rename Excel files in folder with VBA

  1. #1

    Rename Excel files in folder with VBA

    Hi all,

    I'm trying to create a macro that automatically changes the name of all files in a given folder. For the moment I was able to create a code that lists all files in a specific folder. Then I was able to change the filenames, but only one by one. I suppose there is a shorter way of doing this. As it might be that there are more than 30 files in this folder.

    PART 1: list excel files:

    Public Sub ListFilesInFolder()
        'Variable Declaration
        Dim strPath As String
        Dim vFile As Variant
        Dim iCurRow As Integer
        'Clear old data
        'Set the path of the folder
        strPath = Blad1.Range("B4").Value
        'Add slash at the end of the path
        If Right(strPath, 1) <> "/" And Right(strPath, 1) <> "" Then
            strPath = strPath & ""
        End If
        'Set Directory to folder path
        ChDir strPath
        vFile = Dir(strPath & "*.*") 'Change or add formats to get specific file types
        iCurRow = 9
        Do While vFile <> "" 'LOOP until all files in folder strPath have been looped through
            Blad1.Cells(iCurRow, 2).Value = vFile
            vFile = Dir
            iCurRow = iCurRow + 1
    PART 2: change name
    Sub vba_rename_workbook()
    Range("B20") = Range("B4") & "" & Range("B9")
    Range("C20") = Range("B4") & "" & Range("C9")
    Dim oldName1 As String
    Dim newName1 As String
    oldName1 = Range("B20")
    newName1 = Range("C20")
    Range("B21") = Range("B4") & "" & Range("B10")
    Range("C21") = Range("B4") & "" & Range("C10")
    Dim oldName2 As String
    Dim newName2 As String
    oldName2 = Range("B21")
    newName2 = Range("C21")
    Range("B22") = Range("B4") & "" & Range("B11")
    Range("C22") = Range("B4") & "" & Range("C11")
    Dim oldName3 As String
    Dim newName3 As String
    oldName3 = Range("B20")
    newName3 = Range("C20")
    Name oldName1 As newName1
    Name oldName2 As newName2
    Name oldName3 As newName3
    End Sub
    Last edited by Paul_Hossler; 03-02-2024 at 07:55 AM.

  2. #2
    VBAX Mentor
    Nov 2022
    The Great Land
    Please post code between CODE tags to retain indentation and readability.

    This code works? What is your question?
    How to attach file: Reading and Posting Messages (, click Go Advanced below post edit window. To provide db: copy, remove confidential data, run compact & repair, zip w/Windows Compression.

  3. #3
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Welcome to yhr forum. Please take a minute to read the FAQ at the line in my signature. Especially the parts about multi-posting and using CODE tags

    I added them to your post this time

    Now ...

    Does your code work? Seems to missing some things

    1. At least in US version it's a back slacsh \ not a /

    2. I don't see the need for adding or testing for what seems to be empty strings ("") unless there's a space there that I missed

    3, The For i = loop should rename files

    This is NOT tested so you'll probably have to tweak it

    Option Explicit
    Public Sub FilesInFolder()
        'Variable Declaration
        Dim strPath As String
        Dim vFile As Variant
        Dim iCurRow As Long, i As Long
        Dim oldName1 As String, newName1 As String
        'Clear old data
        'Set the path of the folder
        strPath = Trim(Blad1.Range("B4").Value)
        'Add slash at the end of the path
        If Right(strPath, 1) <> Application.PathSeparator Then
            strPath = strPath & Application.PathSeparator
        End If
        'Set Directory to folder path
        ChDir strPath
        vFile = Dir(strPath & "*.*") 'Change or add formats to get specific file types
        iCurRow = 9
        Do While vFile <> "" 'LOOP until all files in folder strPath have been looped through
            Blad1.Cells(iCurRow, 2).Value = vFile
            vFile = Dir
            iCurRow = iCurRow + 1
        For i = 9 To iCurRow - 1
            oldName1 = Trim(strPath & Range("B" & i).Value)
            newName1 = Trim(strPath & Range("C" & i).Value)
            Name oldName1 As newName1
        Next i
    End Sub


    Remember: Tell us WHAT you want to do, not HOW you think you want to do it

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  4. #4
    You don't tell in what way filenames should be altered.

    Is it the extension or the text before the extension.
    Is there a pattern in de filanems and teh way the should be altered.

    In DOS you will find the most fundamental command to change filenames: 'REN'.

  5. #5
    So this is the first part of the code which is working (macro linked to button 'List files in folder')

    Sub FilesInFolder()    
        'Variable Declaration
        Dim strPath As String
        Dim vFile As Variant
        Dim iCurRow As Long, i As Long
        Dim oldName1 As String, newName1 As String
        'Set Directory to folder path
        ChDir strPath
        vFile = Dir(strPath & "*.*") 'Change or add formats to get specific file types
        iCurRow = 9
        Do While vFile <> "" 'LOOP until all files in folder strPath have been looped through
            Blad1.Cells(iCurRow, 2).Value = vFile
            vFile = Dir
            iCurRow = iCurRow + 1
        For i = 9 To iCurRow - 1
            oldName1 = Trim(strPath & Range("B" & i).Value)
            newName1 = Trim(strPath & Range("C" & i).Value)
            Name oldName1 As newName1
        Next i
    End Sub
    For the second part (I will link it to the other button) I would like to rename the old filenames (which are mentioned now in cells B9, B10, B11, B12,...) to the new filenames (column C9, C10, C11, C12,...). I want to do that for all Excel files in the folder path in cell B4.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by georgiboy; 03-06-2024 at 12:33 PM. Reason: Amended code tags, removed dead space.

  6. #6
    Sub M_snb()
      for j=9 to ubound(sn)
         name sn(4,2) & "\" & sn(j,2) As sn(4,2) & "\" & sn(j,3)
    End Sub
    NB. Automation is meant to simplify things not to overcomplicate.

  7. #7
    This does not work unfortunately... I changed Sheet1 to Blad1 because I use Dutch version.

  8. #8
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    I didn't see where you put anything into strPath

    But I think you need to breakout the For i = loop into a seperate sub if you want a button for that

    Option Explicit
    Dim iCurRow As Long
    Sub FilesInFolder()
        'Variable Declaration
        Dim strPath As String
        Dim vFile As Variant
        strPath = Sheet1.Range("B4") & Application.PathSeparator  '   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  Blad1
        'Set Directory to folder path
        ChDir strPath
        vFile = Dir(strPath & "*.*") 'Change or add formats to get specific file types
        iCurRow = 9
        Do While vFile <> "" 'LOOP until all files in folder strPath have been looped through
            Sheet1.Cells(iCurRow, 2).Value = vFile   '   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  Blad1
            vFile = Dir
            iCurRow = iCurRow + 1
    End Sub
    Sub RenameFiles()
        Dim i As Long
        Dim oldName1 As String, newName1 As String
        For i = 9 To iCurRow - 1
            oldName1 = Trim(strPath & Range("B" & i).Value)
            newName1 = Trim(strPath & Range("C" & i).Value)
            Name oldName1 As newName1
        Next i
    End Sub


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  9. #9
    Then tell us what appears in the Msg box (you can also test it yourself).
    Posting a picture is not a good idea: post an Excel example file.
    Sub M_snb() 
      sn = Blad1.usedrange 
      for j = 9 to ubound(sn) 
        msgbox sn(4,2) & "\" & sn(j,2) & VBlf & sn(4,2) & " \" & sn(j,3) 
        name sn(4,2) & "\" & sn(j,2) As sn(4,2) & "\" & sn(j,3) 
    End Sub
    Last edited by snb; 03-08-2024 at 05:21 AM. Reason: Please use English in an English forum

  10. #10
    I have added the Excel file.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  11. #11
    The first part is working, but the second part not. I have added the Excel file with the code you proposed for the second part.Macro BS recons.xlsm

  12. #12
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    I think you missed some things

    THis is not tested, but might be a better starting point

    Option Explicit
    Sub FilesInFolder()
        Dim vFile As Variant
        Dim iCurRow As Long
        Dim oldName1 As String, newName1 As String, strPath As String
        strPath = Blad1.Cells(4, 2).Value
        If Right(strPath, 1) <> Application.PathSeparator Then strPath = strPath & Application.PathSeparator
        vFile = Dir(strPath & "*.*") 'Change or add formats to get specific file types
        iCurRow = 8
        Do While vFile <> "" 'LOOP until all files in folder strPath have been looped through
            Blad1.Cells(iCurRow, 2).Value = vFile
            vFile = Dir
            If vFile <> "" Then
                iCurRow = iCurRow + 1
                Blad1.Cells(iCurRow, 2).Value = vFile
            End If
    End Sub
    Sub RenameFiles()
        Dim iCurRow As Long
        Dim oldName1 As String, newName1 As String, strPath As String
        strPath = Blad1.Cells(4, 2).Value
        If Right(strPath, 1) <> Application.PathSeparator Then strPath = strPath & Application.PathSeparator
        iCurRow = 9
        Do While Blad1.Cells(iCurRow, 2).Value <> ""
            oldName1 = strPath & Blad1.Cells(iCurRow, 2).Value
            newName1 = strPath & Blad1.Cells(iCurRow, 3).Value
            Name oldName1 As newName1
            iCurRow = iCurRow + 1
    End Sub


    Remember: Tell us WHAT you want to do, not HOW you think you want to do it

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  13. #13
    This is working. Many thanks Paul!

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