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Thread: How to automatically highlight auto numbered lists

  1. #1

    How to automatically highlight auto numbered lists

    I have a document of 100 pages. There are countless numbered lists.
    Some are numbered using auto numbering while some are not.
    Is there any way I can turn all auto numbered lists into red colour using VBA or otherwise automatically?

    That is, auto numbered lists are turned into
    1. xxx
    2. xxx
    3. xxx

    While those of manually numbered lists are not and remain
    1. xxx
    2. xxx
    3. xxx

  2. #2
    VBAX Contributor
    Jul 2020
    Sun Prairie
    Simplest method is if you used styles for your numbering, modify the style.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by utorlee View Post
    I have a document of 100 pages. There are countless numbered lists.
    Some are numbered using auto numbering while some are not.
    Is there any way I can turn all auto numbered lists into red colour using VBA or otherwise automatically?
    happy wheels
    That is, auto numbered lists are turned into
    1. xxx
    2. xxx
    3. xxx

    While those of manually numbered lists are not and remain
    1. xxx
    2. xxx
    3. xxx
    Using the automatic numbering style, you can modify it.

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