I don't have your exact use case; I helped a person before to add images to a table. I switched it around to also add the file name, which it seems you're doing? (or is the name contained inside the text file?)
This code loops a folder for all the jpg files, put the image in a table and writes the name of the image file in the associated row
Private Sub btnAddPictures_Click()
Dim tbl As Table
Set tbl = FindTable("imagesTable", Slide2)
Dim currentTableRow As Integer
currentTableRow = 1
Dim shp As Shape
Dim imageFileName As String ' add Microsoft Scripting Runtime (in tools > references)
imageFileName = Dir("F:\PPT_SlideImages\*.jpg")
Do While Len(imageFileName) > 0
tbl.Cell(currentTableRow, 1).Shape.Fill.UserPicture "F:\PPT_SlideImages\" & imageFileName
tbl.Cell(currentTableRow, 2).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = imageFileName
imageFileName = Dir
currentTableRow = currentTableRow + 1
End Sub
Private Function FindTable(tblName As String, whichSlide As Slide) As Table
Dim shp As Shape
For Each shp In whichSlide.Shapes
If shp.HasTable And shp.Name = tblName Then
' this is an image and it has logo in the name
Set FindTable = shp.Table
Exit Function
End If
End Function