Good day All,

I installed Office 2019 after having Office 2007 for years. Mainly to be able to access later Access databases, as 2007 would not open later DBs.

However I found that I was no longer able to put my own buttons on the ribbon for my own macros, which I could not do without.

I posted in several forums about this, and did not get one response, so took it as could no longer be done.

So I reverted back to 2007 and all appeared to be working fine, except I have discovered my auto correct options are not working.

Now the strange this is that the options are pretty much disabled, yet I have just found out that if I type in about, Outlook will auto correct that, but I generally just use it for the smiles :-) and :-(

Does anyone know how I can get these back please? At first I thought all auto correct was disabled as those characters are all I pretty much use, but seeing that about, I thought I would test that, and that gets correct, just not the smilies.

I am assuming it is down to having 2019 Outlook still on the laptop.
They work in 2019 Outlook, so I am wondering if that is interfering in some way with 2007?

Does anyone have a workaround please?