So I have dealt with multiple criteria before, but this includes checking something on another table, and the regular method doesn't seem to work. So I did some research and found a Filter with Match that seems to make sense... or else I was deluded... haha.
I am attempting to filter all rows in Table1 (top left) with a match statement that looks for 3 criteria to be true. If all are true then the multiplier should evaluate the items to 1, which is the requirement for the match formula shown. The dynamic formula spills below the yellow cell showing all the columns - more than the desired result. It should only show the items in the light orange background. I separated the three criteria, placing them into columns K, L, and M respectively.
Column K does the xlookup to check if the same IDNo in Table2 (top right) has been 'Pd in Full'. If not it returns True.
Column L checks to see if Table1[Budget Area] is "Accounts Payable", returning True if it is.
Column M checks to see if Table1[Credit] is greater than zero.
Column N spills the formula that multiplies the other 3 columns. There are only two rows that have 3 Trues, and evaluate as a result to 1.
But why doesn't the include part of the Filter command then exclude the zero amounts in Column J?
Anyway, it is easier to understand the problem from the file. How do I limit the records only to those evaluating to 1?
Here is the file.