Hi @June7
Trying to assist a member in another forum.
I now have this so far.
Sub TestRule()Dim olRules As Outlook.rules
Dim olRule As Outlook.Rule
Dim iRule As Integer, iAction As Integer, iException As Integer, iRuleAction As Integer
Dim oAction As Object
Dim strTab As String
strTab = vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & vbTab
Set olRules = Application.Session.DefaultStore.GetRules
'Set olRule = olRules.item("TestRule")
For iRule = 1 To olRules.Count 'Each olRule In olRules
' Debug.Print olRules.item(iRule).Name 'TypeName(iRule)
' Debug.Print olRules.item(iRule).Enabled
' Debug.Print olRules.item(iRule).Actions.Count
For iAction = 1 To olRules.item(iRule).Actions.Count
'Set oAction = olRules.item(iRule).Action
If olRules.item(iRule).Actions(iAction).Enabled And olRules.item(iRule).Actions(iAction).ActionType = 1 Then
Debug.Print "Rule: " & olRules.item(iRule).Name & strTab & "Folder: " & olRules.item(iRule).Actions(iAction).Folder.FolderPath
Exit For
End If
'Debug.Print "ActionType: " & olRules.item(iRule).RuleActions.item(iAction)
'Debug.Print olRules.item(iRule).Exceptions.Count
'printArray olRules(iRule).Conditions.Body.Text
'printArray olRules(iRule).Conditions.MessageHeader.Text
Set oAction = Nothing
Set olRules = Nothing
Set olRule = Nothing
End Sub
which produces
Rule: XE Currency Folder: \\Personal Folders\Inbox\Gmail\XERule: AirBnB Folder: \\Personal Folders\Inbox\Gmail\AirBnB
Rule: Google Support Folder: \\Personal Folders\Inbox\Gmail\Google Support
So I think I have got what they are looking for.
Will have to wait an see.