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Thread: Record change of value in cell/s

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  1. #1
    Moderator VBAX Wizard Aussiebear's Avatar
    Dec 2005

    Record change of value in cell/s

    In the attached workbook I have 20 hives. Anytime a value changes in a value within a row, I need to be able to record on a second sheet that particular change. I am looking for a method of recording an action taken on any hive, on a date of recording, whether it be a change of Location, Description, Bodies, Date or Action. The Change of value needs to be recorded on a second sheet.

    Okay before anyone suggests otherwise, Yes this is not normally an Excel type operation. The vast majority of our association might know how to use an Excel spreadsheet (hopefully), and I need a way of recording any operation they might carry out on their hive/s an a particular date. Each member will have their own spreadsheet.
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