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Thread: Record change of value in cell/s

  1. #1
    Moderator VBAX Wizard Aussiebear's Avatar
    Dec 2005

    Record change of value in cell/s

    In the attached workbook I have 20 hives. Anytime a value changes in a value within a row, I need to be able to record on a second sheet that particular change. I am looking for a method of recording an action taken on any hive, on a date of recording, whether it be a change of Location, Description, Bodies, Date or Action. The Change of value needs to be recorded on a second sheet.

    Okay before anyone suggests otherwise, Yes this is not normally an Excel type operation. The vast majority of our association might know how to use an Excel spreadsheet (hopefully), and I need a way of recording any operation they might carry out on their hive/s an a particular date. Each member will have their own spreadsheet.
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  2. #2
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Here's something to play with (I like these fun little projects )

    Formatting is fairly basic (so far) , and it doesn't handle multiple cell deletes (yet)

    Location, Description, Bodies, Date or Action
    I didn't see 'Bodies' anywhere
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  3. #3
    Moderator VBAX Wizard Aussiebear's Avatar
    Dec 2005
    Close Paul, but you are kind of on the right track.

    Any record of change needs to show the Hive ID, a date on which the change occurred, and the changed value so that over time we can show the history of activities of the Hive.

    Yes, I'll cop one on the chin for the stuff up regarding bodies. I had changed the Desc value because it occurred to me that during a 12 month period hive bodies may be added or removed during that time. I had a long long fathers day lunch with my family, before coming home to post the workbook.
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  4. #4
    Moderator VBAX Wizard Aussiebear's Avatar
    Dec 2005
    I have had another think about this issue. In the attached workbook is more like what I think I want. Feel free to alter the design if you believe it needs to be.

    I would like to simply change any value in columns B to N and then double click any cell in Column O of the "Processes" worksheet to copy that row to the next row available on the "Recorded" Worksheet.
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  5. #5
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Here's an update using the original approach and one using the second approach

    1. There are no worksheets Processes or Recorded, but I think I knew what you meant

    2. Why column O? There's nothing there. I made it so that if you DC in a hive row, col A-M that data gets recorded along with the date of change

    Play with it / them
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  6. #6
    Moderator VBAX Wizard Aussiebear's Avatar
    Dec 2005
    Thank you Paul.
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  7. #7
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Hope it works for you

    You can polish it with formatting, etc.


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