I'm trying to copy specific series of cells in a nested table in one document and past them into another nested table in a second table.
The line
pastRange.End = rosterTable.Cell(4, 2).Range.End
throws the error "Object Required".
I've used the exact same code layout earlier in the same Sub....
I'm also concerned that the
is not looping.
Any help or suggestions gratefully reveived, thank you.
Sub CopyAndPasteNestedTables()
Dim WeeklyRotation As Document
Dim RWVB_Roster_Test As Document
Dim sourceDoc As String
Dim targetDoc As String
Dim weekTable As Table
Dim rosterTable As Table
Dim copyRange As Range
Dim pasteRange As Range
Dim tableNumber As Integer
' Set references to the source and target documents
sourceDoc = "C:\Users\richa\OneDrive\Documents\2024 Care\WeeklyRotation.docm"
targetDoc = "C:\Users\richa\OneDrive\Documents\2024 Care\RWVB_Roster_Test.docm"
Set WeeklyRotation = Documents.Open(FileName:=sourceDoc)
Set RWVB_Roster_Test = Documents.Open(FileName:=targetDoc)
Set rosterTable = RWVB_Roster_Test.Tables(1).Tables(1)
Let tableNumber = 1
'Document = RWVB_Roster_test
'Table = RWVB_Roster_test.Tables(1)
'Nestted Table = RWVB_Roster_test.Tables(1).Tables(1)
' Loop through each nested table in RWVB_Roster_Test
For Each rosterTable In RWVB_Roster_Test.Tables(1).Tables
' Set references to the corresponding tables in WeeklyRotation
Set weekTable = WeeklyRotation.Tables(1).Tables(tableNumber)
' Extract the desired range from the nested table in WeeklyRotation
Set copyRange = weekTable.Cell(2, 2).Range
copyRange.End = weekTable.Cell(3, 2).Range.End 'expression. Cell( _Row_ , _Column_ )
' Set the target range in RWVB_Roster_Test
Set rosterTable = RWVB_Roster_Test.Tables(1).Tables(tableNumber)
Set pasteRange = rosterTable.Cell(3, 2).Range
pastRange.End = rosterTable.Cell(4, 2).Range.End
' Copy from WeeklyRotation and paste into RWVB_Roster_Test
tableNumber = tableNumber + 1
Next rosterTable
End Sub