Here is what I use for a combo in a subform of mine.
Private Sub cboFoodIDFK_GotFocus()
' Debug.Print Me.cboFoodIDFK.ColumnWidths
TempVars("FoodWidth").Value = Me.cboFoodIDFK.Width
' Debug.Print "GotFocus " & TempVars("FoodWidth").Value
Me.cboFoodIDFK.Width = "8000"
Me.cboFoodIDFK.ColumnWidths = ExpandCombo(Me.cboFoodIDFK.ColumnWidths)
End Sub
Private Sub cboFoodIDFK_LostFocus()
' Debug.Print "LostFocus " & TempVars("FoodWidth").Value
Me.cboFoodIDFK.Width = TempVars("FoodWidth").Value
Me.cboFoodIDFK.ColumnWidths = ShrinkCombo(Me.cboFoodIDFK.ColumnWidths)
End Sub
Public Function ExpandCombo(pstrWidths As String) As String
Dim strWidth() As String, strNewWidth As String
Dim i As Integer
strWidth() = Split(pstrWidths, ";")
' For i = 0 To UBound(strWidth)
' Debug.Print strWidth(i)
' Next
strWidth(1) = CStr(Val(strWidth(1)) * 1.5)
For i = 0 To UBound(strWidth)
strNewWidth = strNewWidth & strWidth(i) & ";"
' Debug.Print strWidth(i)
' Debug.Print strNewWidth
ExpandCombo = Left(strNewWidth, Len(strNewWidth) - 1)
' Debug.Print "Expanding " & ExpandCombo
'MsgBox ExpandCombo
End Function
Public Function ShrinkCombo(pstrWidths As String) As String
Dim strWidth() As String, strNewWidth As String
Dim i As Integer
strWidth() = Split(pstrWidths, ";")
' For i = 0 To UBound(strWidth)
' Debug.Print strWidth(i)
' Next
strWidth(1) = CStr(Val(strWidth(1)) / 1.5)
For i = 0 To UBound(strWidth)
strNewWidth = strNewWidth & strWidth(i) & ";"
' Debug.Print strWidth(i)
ShrinkCombo = Left(strNewWidth, Len(strNewWidth) - 1)
' Debug.Print "Shrinking " & ShrinkCombo
' MsgBox ShrinkCombo
End Function