I am getting "Permission Denied" errors when I try to move files suing the move method of a file object:

' VB Script Document

Option explicit

Dim objFSO, NewFile01, NewFile20, NewFile00, NewFile21
Dim TestFile, TestFolder, TestFolderAtt

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set NewFile01 = objFSO.OpenTextFile("TestFolder/Text01.txt",  8,  TRUE  )
Set NewFile20 = objFSO.OpenTextFile("TestFolder/Text20.txt",  2,  FALSE  )
Set NewFile00 = objFSO.OpenTextFile("TestFolder/Text00.txt",  8,  FALSE  )
Set NewFile21 = objFSO.OpenTextFile("TestFolder/Text21.txt",  2,  TRUE  )

Set TestFolder = objFSO.GetFolder("/")
'TestFolder.attributes = TestFolderAtt And (Not ReadOnly)
Set TestFile = objFSO.GetFile("TestFolder/Text21.txt")

Set objFSO = nothing
Set NewFile01 = nothing
Set NewFile20 = nothing
Set NewFile00 = nothing
Set NewFile21 = nothing
A quick search of the internet turned up some similar complaints with some discussion of the "Read Only" attributes of the Folders. I found that I could not change the "Read Only" permissions on my folders. I did a quick search of the MS Knowledge Base and found the following article: 326549. The workaround of setting attributes with "attrib" from the command line does not work for me. Trying to set the attributes from the Folder object attibutes property as suggested in my O'Reilly pocket reference (TestFolder.attributes = TestFolderAtt And (Not ReadOnly)) gives me "Variable Undefined" errors. I also work from a user with non-administrative privileges.

Anybody have any idea what I should do to enable VBS to move a file? Am I missing something?