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Thread: Frustrated trying to Reorganize Dataset

  1. #1

    Question Frustrated trying to Reorganize Dataset

    I'm trying to reorganize my dataset "2006 Budget". However, I'm not able to re-pivot it the way I would like.....

    I have 3600 rows of District-Plant-Parent-Dealer-Type entries (each variable representing a column of data) ... and I need to add a month column so that each row now has 12 rows. For each row, the monthly factors are the same - Dec represents 6.0040%, Jan represents 6.5583%, Feb represents 9.3876%, etc.

    I thought I could do this with a pivot, and create a calculated field where "Dec Ret $" = Ret $ * .0060040 ... however, then I have a new data entry, not a new row/field entry - which still doesn't get my months along the left side.

    How do I create a Month column as a field entry, and a Calculation as the Data so that I can pivot this information? Is this even possible? I have not done macros before, so if that is the answer, I will need some assistance.

    Appreciate any help you can provide.
    Thank you.

  2. #2

    I don't really follow what you want to achieve.

    Can you create a small spreadsheet showing your data and structure. Dummy up a "pivot table" output that is based on the sample data and show how the fields are calculated (where they are not direct inputs).


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