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Thread: Solved: retrieving bounding box info of selection

  1. #21
    VBAX Expert TrippyTom's Avatar
    Jul 2005
    New York, NY (USA)
    Unfortunately, I'm only allowed to work on this at work (since they won't give me access to my files from home) so you're stuck with my examples here. I think it's pretty clear from the picture what's going on, but that might just be cuz I've stared at this code for a few days already testing things

    The problem is, for the corner routines, I have to sort based on 2 criteria. For example, in the pic above (topright prodecure), I have to get the topmost shape's value AND the rightmost shape's value -- EVEN if they are not the same shape. I think that's the key. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out a way to determine which method I should do first based on the shape layout. If they are more vertical in nature, then I should magnetize right / align tops. If they are more horizontal in nature, then I should magnetize top / align rights.

    I would love to test out some things at home, but everything is locked up at work, so I'll have to wait until Monday.

    Incidently, I think I'm eventually going to want to turn this into an add-in. The file this macro is in has various other macros that I've written to make my life easier. I setup a coworker's PowerPoint with the same macro and she couldn't run it while I was in the file making edits. If I make this an add-in, will it bypass that problem?
    Last edited by TrippyTom; 07-22-2006 at 04:29 PM.
    Office 2010, Windows 7
    goal: to learn the most efficient way

  2. #22
    VBAX Expert TrippyTom's Avatar
    Jul 2005
    New York, NY (USA)

    um, nevermind ;)

    On second thought, it's doing what I originally wanted. I'm making this more complex than it needs to be. I think the user will inherently choose the right option when the shapes are more vertical or horizontal, then they can just choose to align them by top or right themselves.

    I will try to post my working code Monday, if I can find the time. All I have to do is zip up the file and include it in a post, right? (we are not allowed ftp access at work)
    Office 2010, Windows 7
    goal: to learn the most efficient way

  3. #23
    VBAX Expert TrippyTom's Avatar
    Jul 2005
    New York, NY (USA)

    Ok, Here's my code

    Warning: Long post

    Here's the code that I finally came up with. It probably will look like a joke to you masters out there, but I'm pretty much happy with the end result. The corners act a bit strange sometimes (the top, left, right and bottom are much more reliable).

    Form code:
    Option Explicit
    Public myChoice As String
    Private Sub btn_Cancel_Click()
    Call btn_Reset_Click
    Unload Me
    End Sub
    Private Sub btn_OK_Click()
    Dim myTop As Single
    Dim myLeft As Single
    'Dim myAlign As String
    If Not myChoice = "" Then
    If Not tb_gapChoice.Value = "" Then
    'MsgBox ("myChoice: " & myChoice & vbLf & "myTop: " & myTop & vbLf & "myLeft: " & myLeft)
    myMagnetize.magnetChoice = myChoice
    myMagnetize.magGapChoice = CSng(tb_gapChoice.Value)
    End If
    End If
    Unload Me
    End Sub
    Private Sub btn_Reset_Click()
    tb_gapChoice.Value = 0
    myChoice = ""
    End Sub
    Private Sub lbl_bottom_Click()
    ob_bottom.Value = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub lbl_top_Click()
    ob_top.Value = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub ob_bottom_Click()
    myChoice = "bottom"
    End Sub
    Private Sub ob_bottomleft_Click()
    myChoice = "bottomleft"
    End Sub
    Private Sub ob_bottomright_Click()
    myChoice = "bottomright"
    End Sub
    Private Sub ob_left_Click()
    myChoice = "left"
    End Sub
    Private Sub ob_right_Click()
    myChoice = "right"
    End Sub
    Private Sub ob_top_Click()
    myChoice = "top"
    End Sub
    Private Sub ob_topleft_Click()
    myChoice = "topleft"
    End Sub
    Private Sub ob_topright_Click()
    myChoice = "topright"
    End Sub
    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    Me.Top = 100
    Me.Left = 100
    End Sub


    And here is the main code. I called the module "myMagnetize":
    Option Explicit
    Public magnetChoice As String
    Public magGapChoice As Single
    Sub Magnetize()
    Dim mySlide As Long
    Dim shp As Shape
    Dim newLeft As Single
    Dim newTop As Single
    Dim newWidth As Single
    Dim newHeight As Single
    Dim newShp As ShapeRange
    Dim num As Long
    Dim i As Long
    'Many thanks to M.O.S. Master (Joost Verdaasdonk) and Killian from
    'the VBA Express forum ( for
    'helping me with this project.
    mySlide = ActiveWindow.View.Slide.SlideIndex
    'MsgBox ("magnetChoice: " & magnetChoice)
    Select Case magnetChoice
    'MsoAlignCmd: msoAlignBottoms, msoAlignCenters, msoAlignLefts, msoAlignMiddles, msoAlignRights, msoAlignTops
    'ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Align msoAlignLefts, False
    'use TRUE if you want to align relative to slide
    Case "left"
    Call MoveShapesLeft
    Case "topleft"
    Call MoveShapesTopLeft
    Case "top"
    Call MoveShapesTop
    Case "topright"
    Call MoveShapesTopRight
    Case "right"
    Call MoveShapesRight
    Case "bottomright"
    Call MoveShapesBottomRight
    Case "bottom"
    Call MoveShapesBottom
    Case "bottomleft"
    Call MoveShapesBottomLeft
    End Select

    End Sub
    Sub MoveShapesLeft()
    Dim colTemp As New Collection
    Dim shp As Shape
    Dim i As Long

    With ActiveWindow.Selection
    If .Type = ppSelectionShapes Then
    'add all selected shapes to new collection
    For Each shp In .ShapeRange
    colTemp.Add shp
    Next shp
    'sort the collection
    SortColLeft colTemp
    End If
    End With
    'reposition shapes in new order
    For i = 1 To colTemp.Count
    If i = 1 Then
    colTemp(i).Left = colTemp(i).Left
    colTemp(i).Left = (myMagnetize.magGapChoice * 72) + colTemp(i - 1).Left + colTemp(i - 1).Width
    End If

    End Sub
    Sub MoveShapesRight()
    Dim colTemp As New Collection
    Dim shp As Shape
    Dim i As Long

    With ActiveWindow.Selection
    If .Type = ppSelectionShapes Then
    'add all selected shapes to new collection
    For Each shp In .ShapeRange
    colTemp.Add shp
    Next shp
    'sort the collection
    SortColRight colTemp
    End If
    End With
    'reposition shapes in new order
    For i = colTemp.Count To 1 Step -1
    If i = colTemp.Count Then
    colTemp(i).Left = colTemp(i).Left
    colTemp(i).Left = colTemp(i + 1).Left - (myMagnetize.magGapChoice * 72) - colTemp(i).Width
    End If

    End Sub
    Sub MoveShapesTop()
    Dim colTemp As New Collection
    Dim shp As Shape
    Dim i As Long

    With ActiveWindow.Selection
    If .Type = ppSelectionShapes Then
    'add all selected shapes to new collection
    For Each shp In .ShapeRange
    colTemp.Add shp
    Next shp
    'sort the collection
    SortColTop colTemp
    End If
    End With
    'reposition shapes in new order
    For i = 1 To colTemp.Count
    If i = 1 Then
    colTemp(i).Top = colTemp(i).Top
    colTemp(i).Top = colTemp(i - 1).Top + colTemp(i - 1).Height + (myMagnetize.magGapChoice * 72)
    End If

    End Sub
    Sub MoveShapesBottom()
    Dim colTemp As New Collection
    Dim shp As Shape
    Dim i As Long

    With ActiveWindow.Selection
    If .Type = ppSelectionShapes Then
    'add all selected shapes to new collection
    For Each shp In .ShapeRange
    colTemp.Add shp
    Next shp
    'sort the collection
    SortColBottom colTemp
    End If
    End With
    'reposition shapes in new order
    For i = colTemp.Count To 1 Step -1
    If i = colTemp.Count Then
    colTemp(i).Top = colTemp(i).Top
    colTemp(i).Top = colTemp(i + 1).Top - (myMagnetize.magGapChoice * 72) - colTemp(i).Height
    End If

    End Sub
    Sub MoveShapesTopLeft()
    Dim colTemp As New Collection
    Dim shp As Shape
    Dim i As Long

    With ActiveWindow.Selection
    If .Type = ppSelectionShapes Then
    'add all selected shapes to new collection
    For Each shp In .ShapeRange
    colTemp.Add shp
    Next shp
    'sort the collection
    SortColTopLeft colTemp
    End If
    End With
    'reposition shapes in new order
    For i = 1 To colTemp.Count
    If i = 1 Then
    colTemp(i).Top = colTemp(i).Top
    colTemp(i).Left = colTemp(i).Left
    colTemp(i).Top = colTemp(i - 1).Top + (myMagnetize.magGapChoice * 72) + colTemp(i - 1).Height
    colTemp(i).Left = colTemp(i - 1).Left + (myMagnetize.magGapChoice * 72) + colTemp(i - 1).Width
    End If

    End Sub
    Sub MoveShapesBottomLeft()
    Dim colTemp As New Collection
    Dim shp As Shape
    Dim i As Long
    With ActiveWindow.Selection
    If .Type = ppSelectionShapes Then
    'add all selected shapes to new collection
    For Each shp In .ShapeRange
    colTemp.Add shp
    Next shp
    'sort the collection
    SortColBottomLeft colTemp
    End If
    End With
    'reposition shapes in new order
    For i = 1 To colTemp.Count
    If i = 1 Then
    colTemp(i).Top = colTemp(i).Top
    colTemp(i).Left = colTemp(i).Left
    colTemp(i).Top = colTemp(i - 1).Top - (myMagnetize.magGapChoice * 72) - colTemp(i - 1).Height
    colTemp(i).Left = colTemp(i - 1).Left + (myMagnetize.magGapChoice * 72) + colTemp(i - 1).Width
    End If
    End Sub
    Sub MoveShapesTopRight()
    Dim colTemp As New Collection
    Dim shp As Shape
    Dim i As Long

    With ActiveWindow.Selection
    If .Type = ppSelectionShapes Then
    'add all selected shapes to new collection
    For Each shp In .ShapeRange
    colTemp.Add shp
    Next shp
    'sort the collection
    SortColTopRight colTemp
    End If
    End With
    'reposition shapes in new order
    For i = colTemp.Count To 1 Step -1
    If i = colTemp.Count Then
    colTemp(i).Top = colTemp(i).Top
    colTemp(i).Left = colTemp(i).Left
    colTemp(i).Top = colTemp(i + 1).Top + (myMagnetize.magGapChoice * 72) + colTemp(i).Height
    colTemp(i).Left = colTemp(i + 1).Left - (myMagnetize.magGapChoice * 72) - colTemp(i).Width
    End If

    End Sub
    Sub MoveShapesBottomRight()
    Dim colTemp As New Collection
    Dim shp As Shape
    Dim i As Long

    With ActiveWindow.Selection
    If .Type = ppSelectionShapes Then
    'add all selected shapes to new collection
    For Each shp In .ShapeRange
    colTemp.Add shp
    Next shp
    'sort the collection
    SortColBottomRight colTemp
    End If
    End With
    'reposition shapes in new order
    For i = colTemp.Count To 1 Step -1
    If i = colTemp.Count Then
    colTemp(i).Top = colTemp(i).Top
    colTemp(i).Left = colTemp(i).Left
    colTemp(i).Top = colTemp(i + 1).Top - (myMagnetize.magGapChoice * 72) - colTemp(i).Height
    colTemp(i).Left = colTemp(i + 1).Left - (myMagnetize.magGapChoice * 72) - colTemp(i).Width
    End If

    End Sub
    Sub SortColLeft(col As Collection)
    ' bubble sort collection
    ' derived from
    ' by Dick Kusleika

    Dim vItm As Shape
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim vTemp As Shape

    For i = 1 To col.Count - 1
    For j = i + 1 To col.Count
    If col(i).Left > col(j).Left Then
    Set vTemp = col(j)
    col.Remove j
    col.Add vTemp, , i
    End If
    Next j
    Next i

    End Sub
    Sub SortColRight(col As Collection)
    ' bubble sort collection
    ' derived from
    ' by Dick Kusleika

    Dim vItm As Shape
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim vTemp As Shape

    For i = 1 To col.Count - 1
    For j = i + 1 To col.Count
    If col(i).Left + col(i).Width > col(j).Left + col(j).Width Then
    Set vTemp = col(j)
    col.Remove j
    col.Add vTemp, , i
    End If
    Next j
    Next i

    End Sub
    Sub SortColTop(col As Collection)
    ' bubble sort collection
    ' derived from
    ' by Dick Kusleika

    Dim vItm As Shape
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim vTemp As Shape

    For i = 1 To col.Count - 1
    For j = i + 1 To col.Count
    If col(i).Top > col(j).Top Then
    Set vTemp = col(j)
    col.Remove j
    col.Add vTemp, , i
    End If
    Next j
    Next i

    End Sub
    Sub SortColBottom(col As Collection)
    ' bubble sort collection
    ' derived from
    ' by Dick Kusleika

    Dim vItm As Shape
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim vTemp As Shape

    For i = 1 To col.Count - 1
    For j = i + 1 To col.Count
    If col(i).Top + col(i).Height > col(j).Top + col(j).Height Then
    Set vTemp = col(j)
    col.Remove j
    col.Add vTemp, , i
    End If
    Next j
    Next i

    End Sub
    Sub SortColBottomRight(col As Collection)
    ' bubble sort collection
    ' derived from
    ' by Dick Kusleika

    Dim vItm As Shape
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim vTemp As Shape

    For i = 1 To col.Count - 1
    For j = i + 1 To col.Count
    If col(i).Left + col(i).Width > col(j).Left + col(j).Width Then
    If col(i).Top + col(i).Height > col(j).Top + col(j).Height Then
    Set vTemp = col(j)
    col.Remove j
    col.Add vTemp, , i
    End If
    End If
    Next j
    Next i

    End Sub
    Sub SortColTopRight(col As Collection)
    ' bubble sort collection
    ' derived from
    ' by Dick Kusleika

    Dim vItm As Shape
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim vTemp As Shape

    For i = 1 To col.Count - 1
    For j = i + 1 To col.Count
    If col(i).Left + col(i).Width > col(j).Left + col(j).Width Then
    If col(i).Top + col(i).Height < col(j).Top + col(j).Height Then
    Set vTemp = col(j)
    col.Remove j
    col.Add vTemp, , i
    End If
    End If
    Next j
    Next i

    End Sub
    Sub SortColBottomLeft(col As Collection)
    ' bubble sort collection
    ' derived from
    ' by Dick Kusleika

    Dim vItm As Shape
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim vTemp As Shape

    For i = 2 To col.Count
    For j = i + 1 To col.Count
    If col(i).Left + col(i).Height > col(j).Left + col(j).Height Then
    If col(i).Top < col(j).Top Then
    Set vTemp = col(j)
    col.Remove j
    col.Add vTemp, , i
    End If
    End If
    Next j
    Next i

    End Sub
    Sub SortColTopLeft(col As Collection)
    ' bubble sort collection
    ' derived from
    ' by Dick Kusleika
    Dim vItm As Shape
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim vTemp As Shape
    For i = 2 To col.Count
    For j = i + 1 To col.Count
    If col(i).Left < col(j).Left Then
    If col(i).Top < col(j).Top Then
    Set vTemp = col(j)
    col.Remove j
    col.Add vTemp, , i
    End If
    End If
    Next j
    Next i
    End Sub

    Office 2010, Windows 7
    goal: to learn the most efficient way

  4. #24
    VBAX Expert TrippyTom's Avatar
    Jul 2005
    New York, NY (USA)
    And my final form looks like the attached picture. However, I think I want to change this to a modeless form and have it act more like a Photoshop toolbar where I just have it on screen at all times, enter a gap width and click one of the dots to have it apply without clicking OK.
    Office 2010, Windows 7
    goal: to learn the most efficient way

  5. #25
    VBAX Expert TrippyTom's Avatar
    Jul 2005
    New York, NY (USA)
    Here's what I think I'm going to change it to.
    Office 2010, Windows 7
    goal: to learn the most efficient way

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