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Thread: coloring points in a series

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Aug 2006

    coloring points in a series

    How can I loop through a series in a X-Y scatter plot, and color points by value ranges? As an example, if a point is >2, color it red, if a point is <-2 color it green, etc...

  2. #2
    Roughly how many points do you want to color? I'm guessing, but if there are, say, 300 points, that might take a lot of time to run the macro, plus it might take a lot of formatting resources.

    Will the colors be spread around randomly, or will maybe the left half of a Series be red and the right half green? (I'm looking for ways to simplify.)

  3. #3
    I threw this together and it seems to do the basic job. You can modify it to suit your needs.
    [vba]Sub ColorChartPoints()
    Dim N&, ColorVal&
    ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 22").Activate
    For N = 1 To 10

    'Put decision logic here
    If N > 5 _
    Then ColorVal = Red _
    Else ColorVal = Green

    With Selection
    .MarkerBackgroundColorIndex = ColorVal
    .MarkerForegroundColorIndex = ColorVal
    'Use the following if you want to
    ' .MarkerStyle = xlCircle
    ' .MarkerSize = 8
    End With
    Next N
    'Deactivate the chart
    ActiveWindow.Visible = False
    End Sub [/vba]

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