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Thread: Translating letters from english to russian

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Nov 2006

    Translating letters from english to russian

    Please, help to finish macro. It has to work in sheet "INFO".

    russA1="" dlina = Len( A1 ) 'Сначала обрабатываем самые "длинные" буквы: i = 1 do while i<= dlina r = "" s = lcase$(Mid$( A1, i, 2 )) Select case True case s = "ch": r = "ч" case s = "sh": r = "ш" case s = "zg": r = "ж" ' и так далее End Select 'Проверю, малоли буква большая была: s = Mid$( A1, i, 2 ) if ucase$(left$(s,1))=left$(s,1) then r=ucase$(r) russA1 = russA1 + r i=i+1 loop i = 1 do while i<= dlina r = "" s = lcase$(Mid$( A1, i, 1 )) Select case True case s = "a": r = "а" case s = "b": r = "б" case s = "c": r = "ц" case s = "d": r = "д" ' и так далее End Select 'Проверю, малоли буква большая была: s = Mid$( A1, i, 1 ) if ucase$(left$(s,1))=left$(s,1) then r=ucase$(r) russA1 = russA1 + r i=i+1 loop

    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Moderator VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    Try the change
    russA1 = russA1 + r

    russA1 = russA1 & r


  3. #3
    Moderator VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia

    I am only a newbie to VBA, but this is a nice homework problem.

    If you place this code in Module1, it will work on any active sheet in any active Workbook. If placed in This Workbook Module, It will work on any active sheet in this workbook. If placed in "Info" Worksheet Module, It will Only work on Info."


    Sub ChangeChars()

    'To change 1 or 2 Characters in a String to 1 different character
    'Runs down Column A, changing words as needed

    Dim CellIndex As Long ' To Point to Working Cell
    Dim ThisCell As Range ' ThisCell is Working Cell
    Dim LastRow As Long ' Need code to find last cell in Col(A). You write this.
    Dim Russ1 As String ' To hold Original String
    Dim Russ1Len As Long ' to hold Length of Original String
    Dim Russ2 As String ' To hold New String
    Dim CharIndex As Long 'To Point to Working Character
    Dim s As String ' To hold Working Character
    Dim r As String 'To hold New Character

    Let CellIndex = 1
    Set ThisCell = "A" & CellIndex
    Let LastRow = 'LastRow Code

    Do While Not(CellIndex > LastRow)
    Russ1 = ThisCell.Value
    Russ1Len = Len(Russ1)
    Russ2 = ""
    If Russ1Len <> 0 Then 'If Cell Empty Then Skip Character Changing
    CharIndex = 1
    Do While Not(CharIndex > Russ1Len)
    s = Mid(Russ1, CharIndex, 1)
    Select Case True
    Case s = "c" And Mid(Russ1, CharIndex + 1, 1) = h: _
    r = 'New Lower Case Character. I can't do Russian Fonts
    CharIndex = CharIndex + 2 'We checked 2 characters

    Case s = "C" And Mid(Russ1, CharIndex + 1, 1) = h: _
    r = 'New upper Case Character
    CharIndex = CharIndex + 2

    'Case s And h repeat 2 primary Case statements here.
    'Case z And g repeat without "And" Statement

    Case s = "a": _
    r = 'New Lower Case Character
    CharIndex = CharIndex + 1 'We checked 1 character
    Case s = "A" : _
    r = 'New upper Case Character
    CharIndex = CharIndex + 1

    'Case b, c, or d, etc. repeat above

    Case Else _
    s = Mid(Russ1, Charindex, 1)
    CharIndex = CharIndex + 1
    End Select
    Russ2 = Russ2 & r ' Append new Character to new String

    Loop 'Check next Character
    End If

    Russ1 = Russ2 'This replaces original word in Column(A) with changed version.

    CellIndex = CellIndex + 1
    Loop 'Check next Cell

    End Sub


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