I have an idea that would allow me to do a lot of things in my add-in. I want to be able to test if a column consists of only one value. The only idea I have come up with sorts the column first and then tests the first value against the last value. Here is what it looks like:

[VBA]Function fnTestColumnValue(ByVal lgColumnTest As Long) As Boolean

'Sort Range before testing for single value
Range("A1", ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)).Sort Key1:=Cells(1, lgColumnTest), _
Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes
'Test the first value and the last value in the column to see if they are equal
If Cells(2, lgColumnTest).Value = Cells(finalrow(ActiveSheet) - 1, lgColumnTest).Value Then
fnTestColumnValue = True
End If

End Function[/VBA]

Is there a way to do this without sorting first? The reason why I am asking is because in some spots I will do about ten checks in a row and it might slow things down a bit.