
I've gtot a form with 30 comboboxes. During form initialization they recieve an array to their list property. I want to limit the entered values to list items, so I set the MatchRequired property to True.

I also want to have the option to leave the combobox empty, so I always set the first element of the list to an empty string:
[vba] ComboBox1.List(0)=""[/vba]
Now, when I "accidentally" type something into a combobox, then delete it with Del key, I cannot leave the combobox: it gives me the error message indicated in the thread title. Even though the list does contain an empty string, and the current value of the combobox is also an empty string, I cannot leave the box. I need to select the empty string from the list, an only then can I leave.

See what I mean in the attached workbook.

I want to use the Del key, because data entry is lot faster and more convenient via keyboard than mouseclicking. How could I convince my comboboxes that a deleted string is really an empty string?

Thanks in advance
