Hi All,

I am trying to decipher the macros written for a spreadsheet with many tabs. I am copying a line of code which I can not make out:

Range("C" & FirstCopyRow & ":F" & FirstCopyRow + DataRowsperSheet - 1).Formula =
"=SUMIF(All!$A$2:$A$3000,""*""&$C$2&""*""&$B" & FirstCopyRow & ",All!F$2:F$3000)"

There are a couple of more lines code in the same manner.
Range part is simple. What does "All! " mean? I do not see a worksheet with the name "All". Does it mean all the worksheets in the workbook?
I am not sure what the formula will do to the range itself? I searched this forum and could not find a satisfactory answer. Can anyone please explain what it means or direct me to a source where some explanation is available.
Unfortunately I can not share the workbook.

Thanks in advance

- Krishna