1.) I would like to sum certain values based upon two conditions. Please view the attached document. It is easier to understand as I describe the situation.

2.) What am I trying to do? I would like to automatically generate the values for the report in F17:F21 for all products. I have done this manually via formuals for two products.

3.) What I do not know? I do not know the names of my products or how many products will be in the file. It may be Mutual Fund A or another time it may be SCV or it may be Large Cap. The file may contain 2 products or 22. So, this has to be taken into consideration. I need to use some type of code that can distinguish between different problems and store those values in a variable.

4.) Although this looks simple and you may ask me what don't I just do this manually because the file is small, this is actually a simplificiation. I have compacted the material into this one case becasue if I can do this I can solve the bigger problems.

Any help that one can give me to get started would be greatly appreciated.
Any help that can get me started would be greatly appeciated.