I have the following Code:

sFolderToLookIn = "W:\00Projects\" & ComboBox1.Text & "\" & TextBox4.Text & "\Drawings"
sFileToLookAt = ListBox1.list(I)
Set oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set oFolder = oShell.Namespace(sFolderToLookIn) ' Read only and last saved by
For Each sFileName In oFolder.Items
If sFileName = sFileToLookAt Then
For I = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
If ListBox1.Selected(I) = True Then
filepath = "W:\00Projects\" & ComboBox1.Text & "\" & TextBox4.Text & "\Drawings\" & ListBox1.list(I)
vdate = FileDateTime("W:\00Projects\" & ComboBox1.Text & "\" & TextBox4.Text & "\Drawings\" & ListBox1.list(I))
User = Replace(oFolder.GetDetailsOf(sFileName, 8), "CONTECH\", "")
Label11.Caption = "Last Modified on: " & vdate & " by " & User
End If
End If

My form is pretty simple. I have list box with all the drawings in a given folder. The user can highlite and open the drawing that he wants to open. When the user highlites the DWG, the LAST MODIFIED date and time displays as well as the USER....however, with the code above....if a new user gets in and edits the DWG, the LAST MODIFIED date updates, but the USER is still the creator of the DWG.

Can I return the user who just opened, and saved the DWG?

P.S. saying LAST SAVED instead of LAST MODIFIED returns the same results.