Greetings, Earthlings!!!

Some of you may remember me as one of the two Mac users in the world. Anyway, it's been a long time since I strayed past this forum, so I thought I'd stop in and say 'hi'.

Not much going on in VBA land for me now. I was using Excel to handle large quantities of spectroscopic data - a task to which it is poorly suited, but required no learning curve on my part. I put together some pretty huge VBA projects, a couple of small parts of which I threw into the KB here.

Alas, trying to keep things cross-platform became pretty much unbearable. First, Microsoft decided that Excel 2008 would drop VBA support - a decision that caused me to drop into maintenance mode and stop writing new code. Then I actually got migrated to Office 2008 at work. Excel 2008 is one stinky POS. Not only does it lack VBA, but the supposedly Intel-native app runs at a fraction of the speed of Excel X running under Rosetta on Intel. How Microsoft achieved this amazing feat is beyond me. Despite promising VBA for the next revision of Office Mac, I'm not impressed by the direction of things... I decided it was time to throw in the towel, take up a new learning curve, and migrate to Igor Pro, which is much better for what I need, as well as being cross-platform.

Browsing through the forum, I see that things are still going strong here. VBAX is a great resource that taught me many useful things. Keep up the great work, guys!