Why use

Function ExcelVersion() As String
    Dim temp As String
On Error Resume Next
    Select Case CLng(Application.Version)
        Case 9: temp = "Excel 2000"
        Case 10: temp = "Excel 2002"
        Case 11: temp = "Excel 2003"
        Case 12: temp = "Excel 2007"
        Case 14: temp = "Excel 2010"
    End Select
    On Error GoTo 0
    ExcelVersion = temp
End Function
instead of

Function ExcelVersion() As String
    On Error Resume Next
    Select Case CLng(Application.Version)
        Case 9: ExcelVersion = "Excel 2000"
        Case 10: ExcelVersion = "Excel 2002"
        Case 11: ExcelVersion = "Excel 2003"
        Case 12: ExcelVersion = "Excel 2007"
        Case 14: ExcelVersion = "Excel 2010"
    End Select
    On Error GoTo 0
End Function

I've seen VBA programmers using the first topology more than the second... is there a reason?