Hi Guz-n-Galz,

I am back with this strange problem. I am using MS Excel 2007 and this code does not seem to run.

I have around 450+ files in excel – all these files have a common password (I need to change the password of all these files). I found the solution and have been using the same successfully till my office planned to move to MS Excel 2007.

The problem is that this code runs perfectly on MS Excel 2003 (but seems to give up when I try to run it on MS Excel 2007).

My earlier posts on vbaexpress.com

Below is the final code with examples – the sample files have a common password “123”. (Please try to use MS Excel 2007 while testing the sample)

After much search on the net, I have come across these links which address the above problems

Kindly help!!! (comments – solutions – tips – tricks…… jokes anything will do)

Best regards