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Thread: Trouble with GetInspector.WordEditor

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    Trouble with GetInspector.WordEditor

    Hello everyone.

    I have run into a problem I hope you can help me with.

    What I need to do is create a Word document with the body of all currently selected e-mail items, ie automating a copy-paste operation. I also do some reformatting, inserting pagebreaks and such. The code works exactly the way I want it to, except that it doesn't. As far as I can tell, my problem is that MailItem.GetInspector.WordEditor returns immediately, even if the document has not yet been loaded.

    Below is a simplified version of my script, it demonstrates the undesired behaviour. If I select short, text-only messages (or with very little content/formatting), this code completes with success on first attempt (almost) universally. If, however, I select the messages I actually want to work with, it is a different story.

    These messages contain no images, but typically 5 - 25 tables with text (and fill colors). Typical length per e-mail is 4 - 6 pages (when pasted to Word). Generally, it runs OK for the first few messages, followed by 100 failures for all consecutive items. If I add myItem.GetInspector.Activate, it is apparant that Outlook is loading and/or rendering the message body (a moving progress bar is shown above blank body).

    The only "reliable" way I have found, is a generous repetition of "Sleep" and "DoEvents" in an infinite loop (until doc.characters.count > 1). It is considerably slower than manually opening and copy-pasting each message (2+ hours for some 30 emails).

    How can I reliably access the message body of a mail item?

    Thanks in advance.

    (I have removed all sanity checks etc to keep the code as short as possible)

    Option Explicit
    Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliSeconds As Long)

    Sub test()
    Dim OlApp As New Outlook.Application
    Dim myItem As Outlook.mailItem
    Dim fail As Long

    For Each myItem In OlApp.ActiveExplorer.Selection
    fail = 0
    If myItem.GetInspector.WordEditor.Characters.Count <= 1 Then
    Sleep 50
    fail = fail + 1
    Loop Until myItem.GetInspector.WordEditor.Characters.Count > 1 Or fail > 99
    End If

    If fail = 0 Then
    MsgBox "Success on first attempt"
    ElseIf myItem.GetInspector.WordEditor.Characters.Count > 1 And fail > 0 Then
    MsgBox "Success after " & fail & " failures."
    MsgBox "Could not get message body after " & fail & " attempts."
    End If

    Set OlApp = Nothing
    Set myItem = Nothing
    End Sub

    Edit: I am using Outlook 2007
    Last edited by EvilPanda; 12-01-2010 at 06:51 AM.

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