Column A is Part#
Column B is Whse
Column C is $
Column D is %

An example of my data is

AAA000 10 .3206 33%
AAA000 15 .3209 95%
AAA000 18 .33 47%
BBB000 10 .69 89%
BBB000 12 .71 100%
BBB000 21 .71 67%

what I would like to do is have a macro go down the range and delete (by part #) if all of the occurances of part's % >51%.

In the example above none of part # AAA000 would not be deleted because the 3rd occurance <51% , but all of BBB000 would be because all 3 meet the condition.

The part # can be listed up to 25 times but they would all be consecutive.

Range is from A2-D5000

Any help or idea's would be greatly appreciated.

