Ahh, good question. You'll need to adjust the code. However, stick with your existing logical construct:

1. You check the .Tag property
2. *most* of the controls you do a single thing (white background if not default text, otherwise rose background)-- this is the Case Else statement
3. All the other controls, you do something specific. You may also wish to do what you do for all of the other controls. If that's the case (no pun intended), it might help to to use a boolean flag inside of your select case, and then perform your "standard" action outside of the select case, based on the boolean flag. Or it might be just as easy to repeat the code. This is kind of a style question.

Sub DoStuff
Dim bDoStandard As Boolean

Select Case Something
Case 1
'do some stuff, but not the standard
Case 2
'do some special stuff, and do the standard
bDoStandard = True
Case Else
bDoStandard = True
End Select

'what's the standard?
If bDoStandard Then
'Do you standard stuff
End If
End Sub
[/vba] It's really a judgement call on whether the "Standard stuff" is worth being separated out into a subroutine, semi-modularized as I did above, or simply take the code you'd have in that If bDoStandard...End If logic chunk, and just copy paste whereever you need it in the routine.

See what you come up with, and then ask for comments! First order of business is always: get it working the way you want.

Style can come later.