Hi board,
I write VBA code every now and then and can't seem to beat the following error message

"Runtime error 438 - Object doesn't support this property or method"

Here's the code where the error occurs:
[vba]Public Sub PutAllChapterIntoPlaceholder()
Dim RunSld As Slide
For Each RunSld In ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange
Debug.Print RunSld.Name
Debug.Print ReturnChapterPlh(RunSld).Name
PutChapterIntoShape (RunSld) '<-- The error occurs here
Next RunSld
End Sub[/vba]
My guess is that I'm making a mistake calling or defining the PutChapterIntoShape sub. At the same time, ReturnChapterPlh works just as expected.

Here's the code for those two sub/functions
Public Sub PutChapterIntoShape(sld1 As Slide) '<-- This does not start

End Sub[/vba]
Public Function ReturnChapterPlh(sld As Slide) As Shape
.... stuff gets done here .....
Set ReturnChapterPlh = ChapterPlh
End Function
Can someone point me to what I'm doing wrong with the sub that throws error 438 when I call it?

Thank you very much in advance!