
Please can anyone tweak this code so that it work within a range of cell only, I have two sheets Apr - Sep and Oct - Mar, I need this code to work within range E8:GE23 on both of those sheets only.

Many thanks.


Option Compare Text 'A=a, B=b, ... Z=z
Option Explicit

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

Dim Cell As Range
Dim Rng1 As Range

On Error Resume Next
Set Rng1 = ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, 1)
On Error GoTo 0
If Rng1 Is Nothing Then
Set Rng1 = Range(Target.Address)
Set Rng1 = Union(Range(Target.Address), Rng1)
End If
For Each Cell In Rng1
Select Case Cell.Value
Case vbNullString
Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
Case "A"
Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6
Case "B"
Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 4
Case "S"
Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
Case "T"
Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 5
Case "C"
Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 7
Case "U"
Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 8
Case "O"
Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 9
Case Else
Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
Cell.Font.Bold = False
End Select

End Sub
