Hi guys,
below is the part of the code when I am taking the data from a sheet and save it as *.csv file.

'Export data
    vFF = FreeFile 
    Open vSaveFile For Output As #vFF 
    Print #vFF, Sheets(2).Range("A1").Text 'line 1
    Print #vFF, CStr(Month(Sheets(2).Range("A2"))) 'line 2
    Print #vFF, CStr(Month(Sheets(2).Range("A2"))) 'line 3
    Print #vFF, "Actual" 'line 4
    For i = 0 To ExpCount - 2 
        Print #vFF, ExpAcct(i) 'lines 5 through second last account
    Next i 
    Print #vFF, ExpAcct(ExpCount - 1); 'last account ends in ; to prevent extra line feed
    Close #vFF
Now, I need to change it a little.
Sheets(2).Range("A1").Text in line 1 will be in Column A of my *.csv file. I need to add some value in line 1 that will be in Column B of my *.csv file. How to do it?

Thanks in advance.