Sorry, but I find it hard to believe you can not talk about why you need to use InsertFile. And if it is that constricted, and you neither appear to try and understand or work with how things work...I am not sure we can help.

"Is there a way to enable this code?"

YES! Make sure the document (not zen.doc) has the style, and bloody well apply it.

I have some serious issues with this problem. If you are inserting zen.doc into another document (as section 2), and then appear to want to print Section 2...why not simply just print zen.doc?

Back to your problem:

"Basic idea was to copy zen.doc into the original doc without it assuming original docs style."

But you are NOT copying zen.doc!!! Your "idea" is flawed. It is NOT copied. You are inserting it.

If it WAS copied then - as macropod suggests - you can retain formatting.

Or, IF the target document has the style you want, you can apply the style quite simply, as I have suggested.

If - for the reasons you can not state - your environment is so weirdly restricted that it does not allow you to use Word as it actually works, then I am afraid you are SOL. The fact of the matter is that you CAN do what you say you want. If there is no viable solution it is not a problem with VBA, it is the unknown problem that you can not talk about.