Hi People.

So, i'm not sure if this is the way VBA wants me to do this.. but here it is.

global filearr(1 to 4) as string

Private Sub buttonBrowse1_Click() 'file1
    Dim fn As String
    fn = Application.GetOpenFilename _
            (Title:="Open Webroot File 1", MultiSelect:=False) 'open the file
    Call outputFileNames(1, tbFileOne, fn) 'call the output function with given parameters
^^^^ TBFILEONE IS AN ACTIVEX TEXTBOX [see the subroutine below]
End Sub

Private Sub outputFileNames(fileCount As Integer, obj As TextBox, filename As String)
    If Len(filename) > 0 Then 'if filename is there...
        fileArr(fileCount) = filename 'set the global variable
        If Len(fileArr(fileCount)) > 50 Then 'if its too big for the box
            Dim splitter() As String
            splitter = Split(fileArr(fileCount), "\") 'split based on \
            Dim i As Integer 'forloop
            Dim max As Integer 'max num of splits to show
            If (UBound(splitter) > 3) Then
                max = 3 'if the split path is massive set it to 3
                max = UBound(splitter) 'otherwise it is 2 or 1
            End If
            obj.Value = "" 'initialize texbox to ""
            For i = 0 To max
                obj.Value = obj.Value & splitter(i) 'enter the first half of the path
            obj.Value = obj.Value & "..." & splitter(UBound(splitter)) '.. and then last entry
            obj.Value = fileArr(fileCount) 'if its small enough, just output
        End If
        obj.Value = ""
    End If
End Sub
Basically i want to re-use the code because I'm going to have so many textbox's and browse box's that need this split done, I dont want to copy-paste this code everywhere and worry about scope and variable names..etc.

My problem is that VBA is giving me a type mismatch as marked above in red text. My guess is that VBA doesnt like how I'm passing this textbox to use it dynamically.
