I have a split form with the Datasheet on the bottom of screen.
When I view this form, on the in built default Access Ribbon
there is a button: Home > Records > Totals
When I click on this a Totals Row appears at bottom of datasheet.
It is this controls action I'm trying to get at.
As it seems that in RunTime mode, that option/code cannot be run.
I've created a custom Ribbon:
<group id ='GroupRecordsTotal'
<toggleButton idMso='RecordsTotals'
But although gives no error, doesn't work in runtime mode but does in a .accdb file.
I can with VBA make the TotalsRow appear on a query datasheet output view:
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qd As DAO.QueryDef
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set qd = db.QueryDefs("QueryNameHere")
qd.Properties("TotalsRow") = True

In Help:
Tables > Display column totals in a datasheet

But how do I get to toggle this TotalsRow in RunTime mode?.