Word's mailmerge feature has a terrible failing.

You cannot tell it you want to merge multiple records from one data source. In other words, if I have a list with:

invoice no
invoice date
invoice amount

I cannot create a mail merge that will put all of client one's invoices on one page. Cindy Meister shows how to do it here, but I'll be darned if I've ever gotten it to work, and at the moment, can't even get to that page:


So, what I would have loved all these years is a wizard that will let me do this. It could simply grab and display the headings in the data source file, whatever that data source may be, and allow the user to pick which heading to group by--much like an Access report.

If someone can do this, it'd be worth (easily) $50 a pop right here from our web.

Do we need a sample file?