I mustl merge two files - A main file (containing Bible text excerpts) and an End Notes file (see attached sample files "sample 3 books bible.doc" and "sample end notes.doc"). The following modifications for the end notes file:

1. Square brackets to be replaced with curly brackets
2. The end curly bracket to be moved to the end of the paragraph..
3. Replace << and >> with "
The supplied workbook, books of the bible.xls, will be used to match and replace book names.

Standard formatting is required in the reference documents. For example only one paragraph return between lines. Whichever, it must be the same throughout the document.

Bible text:
Phm 1:2 alla sorella Appia, ad Archippo nostro compagno d' armi e alla comunit? che si raduna nella tua casa,

End note text (modified):
{Fm 1,2 alla sorella Appia: varianti: ?sorella diletta?, ?nostra diletta?, ?nostra sorella diletta?.}

Final text (merged):
Phm 1:2 alla sorella Appia, ad Archippo nostro compagno d' armi e alla comunit? che si raduna nella tua casa:{Fm 1,2 alla sorella Appia: varianti: ?sorella diletta?, ?nostra diletta?, ?nostra sorella diletta?.}

Thanks fot attention