Good afternoon Everyone,
I am currently working on a database interface based on excel ( i know it's ridiculous since a real database will never come out, but we don't get access available for that)
maybe to let you know I didn't study IT or anything close, I am kind of learning by doing since a couple month
So coming to the problem...

I got one Table (Database) which contains row by row all Data and a couple of Userforms dealing with the Data by showing it and doing some analysis based on new excel tables linked with active ranges and variables to filters. the problem is I done the interface for the change ( it should just change one Colum in a specific row (linked by file number) so I figured I should use VLOOKUP to find the Data Row and Display the data (Which is not getting changed) while having one filed for changing the Status (Open, in Progress, Closed) by a ComboBox.

BUT I can't manage to get the VLookup formula right, I don't quite know where the mistake is since I use it the first time and don't want to do it via a new excel tab and I wouldn't be able to Change the Data by just filtering it out.

I would be glad for any ideas or suggestion.