Hello, I'm pretty new to Excel VBA. I have spent a few hours Googling for this answer but everything I find and try doesn't work for me. I have a 3 column Excel spreadsheet. I need to search for a specific word, such as "test" in column 2 ("B") within the worksheet and, if found, select that word and change its font color. I cannot figure out how to do this. Can someone please help?

Note, the spreadsheet, when created, will have a random number of rows, but the 3 columns will be fixed, and the search column will always be the 2nd column. I actually have three different words I want to search for. They are: "test," "exam," and "quiz."
Each I would want colored differently (test=vbRed, exam=vbBlue, quiz=vbGreen).

Any help would be MOST appreciated.