Hi Guys
I would like some assistance with this problem please. I am a novice with VBA, so please try to keep it simple if you can.
I have a List box (ListboxSh) on sheet "Home", populated by a series of 'If' statements. (This part works fine.)
I then call a User form"PrintOptions" which holds some check boxes and 3 cmd. buttons, Customers, Admin, and Site. command buttons are coded as below to choose selected sheets from the list box and send them either to 'Print Preview or straight to print. (All this up to here works fine.)
This is the problem, each set of sheets is made up of the same sheets but is formatted differently. i.e. set1 i may be Portrait, Fit to pages wide 1 and zoom 80. it may have columns A to E Hidden =False, Whereas the sheets in set 2, although being the same sheets may be Landscape,Fit to pages wide 1 and Zoom 100. I may also like to Unhide some colums and maybe add some other page setup items.

The code below is what I am doing to get the selected sheets from my list box to my print preview / print screen.

My Question is what code do I need to implement the page setup changes and where in the code do I insert the new code. Please bear in mind that I may need to go backwards and forwards between the three sets of sheets.

[CODE=vba]Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Unload Me

Dim i As Long, c As Long
Dim SheetArray() As String
With ActiveSheet.ListBoxSh
For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1
If .Selected(i) Then
ReDim Preserve SheetArray(c)
SheetArray(c) = .List(i)
c = c + 1
End If
Next i

ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub[/CODE]