I have discovered what might become a serious problem for me with regards to using a UserForm to interface a Spreadsheet.

I created a UserForm to input and display data for a complicated spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is used to create a proposal for paver contractor. There are complicated formula. These formulas use cells that cacluate cost and materials needed for a job. The formulas use information from various cells to do the calculations. Changes to the top of the spreadsheet cell affects calculations towards the bottom. It works the same for changes at the bottom. They can affect cells at the top.

To make the form useful, I have a multipage form with 6 tabs. The user inputs quantity amounts or sq Ft and the amount of materials needed or price is calculated by the spreadsheet and then I display the value on the UserForm. The spreadsheet automatically updates all the cells when a value changes some place on the spreadsheet. But how do I update all my information when the cells change. For my UserForm to change the total price for a column of prices, I have to have an update for the total price for each of the sub items. For example: If there are 6 input line items, and the quantity triggers a cacluation for that line item, I get the total price from the spreadsheet and update the total price on the UserForm in each place that the quantity line item is UpDated.

I am new at programming VBA with Excel. How do make these kinds of updates? I hope I have been clear with what my problem is!

Thanks and If you have questions please ask them. I am not sure I can provide a code example. The spreadsheet is proprietary.
