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Thread: Macro to insert captions that after images in a table

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  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Sep 2020

    Post Macro to insert captions that after images in a table


    Can someone help me with the Sub InsertImagesWithCaptions?

    The code looks for a table, called VideoStills then the user is prompted to select a folder of images. The macro will then insert the images into a table adding rows as necessary.

    The code also inserts an added row below the images, which is meant for the captions that are referenced properly such that I can update the TOC if needed to include the figures.

    But the code is not placing the captions below the images, instead its placing the captions at the bottom and outside the table at the end.

    Images below of what I want to achieve vs what I get.

    I'm able to get non cross referenced text to be added in below the images, but I need the referenced figures to update the TOC.
    What I dont want.jpgWhat I want.jpg
    Sub InsertImagesWithCaptions()    Dim imgFolder As String
        Dim imgPath As String
        Dim imgName As String
        Dim doc As Document
        Dim tbl As table
        Dim imagesCount As Integer
        Dim figuresPerRow As Integer
        Dim currRow As Row
        Dim currCell As cell
        Dim nextFigure As Integer
        Dim captionTbl As table
        ' Prompt user to select folder
        With Application.fileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
            .Title = "Select Folder with Images"
            If .SelectedItems.Count = 0 Then
                MsgBox "No folder selected. Macro will exit.", vbExclamation
                Exit Sub
            End If
            imgFolder = .SelectedItems(1)
        End With
        ' Set the active document
        Set doc = ActiveDocument
        ' Set the table to insert images based on the alternate text (right-click on table and view table properties -> Alt Text)
        Set tbl = getTable("VideoStills")
        figuresPerRow = tbl.Columns.Count
        ' Set the table for captions
        Set captionTbl = getTable("VideoStills")
        ' Loop through images in the selected folder
        imgPath = imgFolder & Application.PathSeparator
        imgName = Dir(imgPath & "*.*")
        imagesCount = 0
        ' Retrieve the next figure number from the document
        nextFigure = GetNextFigureNumber(doc, "Figure ")
        ' Find the first empty cell in the table
        Dim rowIndex As Integer
        Dim colIndex As Integer
        rowIndex = 2
        colIndex = 1
        While imgName <> ""
            ' Check if a new row needs to be added for images and captions
            If rowIndex > tbl.Rows.Count Then
            End If
            ' Insert caption and store the generated range for the image
            Set captionRange = captionTbl.cell(rowIndex, colIndex).Range
            captionRange.InsertCaption Label:="Figure", Title:=": " & Left(imgName, InStrRev(imgName, ".") - 1), Position:=wdCaptionPositionBelow, ExcludeLabel:=0
            ' Import image into Word
            Dim imgShape As InlineShape
            Set imgShape = doc.InlineShapes.AddPicture(FileName:=imgPath & imgName, LinkToFile:=False, SaveWithDocument:=True, Range:=tbl.cell(rowIndex, colIndex).Range)
            ' Resize the image to the desired width and height
            imgShape.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse ' Unlock aspect ratio
            imgShape.width = InchesToPoints(3.13) ' Set the desired width in inches
            imgShape.height = InchesToPoints(2.35) ' Set the desired height in inches
            ' Count the images
            imagesCount = imagesCount + 1
            ' Move to the next cell
            colIndex = colIndex + 1
            If colIndex > figuresPerRow Then
                rowIndex = rowIndex + 2
                colIndex = 1
            End If
            ' Move to the next image
            imgName = Dir()
        MsgBox imagesCount & " image(s) imported successfully.", vbInformation
    End Sub
    Function GetNextFigureNumber(doc As Document, prefix As String) As Integer    Dim rng As Range
        Set rng = doc.Content
        ' Set the starting figure number
        Dim startFigure As Integer
        startFigure = 1 ' Set the default starting figure number
        ' Search for the last figure number in the document
        With rng.Find
            .Text = prefix & "[0-9]{1,}"
            .Forward = False
            .MatchWildcards = True
            If .Execute Then
                Dim lastFigure As Integer
                lastFigure = CInt(Mid(rng.Text, Len(prefix) + 1))
                startFigure = lastFigure + 1
            End If
        End With
        GetNextFigureNumber = startFigure
    End Function
    Public Function getTable(s As String) As table
    'Alt text reference
    Dim tbl As table
    For Each tbl In ActiveDocument.Tables
    If tbl.Title = s Then
       Set getTable = tbl
       Exit Function
    End If
    End Function
    Attached Images Attached Images

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