Ok tommy, im back, (long time!)
heres what ive found out...
I got acad to set the Pagesetup via lisp...called from vba. (i pass an argument [the pagesetup name] to the lisp)
UNFORTUNATELY, after setting it to the papersetup i want that has the paper size i want, it wont "regen" to update the piece of paper in paperspace... pagesetup says its set but graphically it hasnt... the only way i can get it to do it is to actually enter the pagesetup command and set it and close... then graphically it updates... oh well.

Heres my vba code: (all two lines of it!!)

Dim PageSetup As String
PageSetup = """LargeDoc 24x36{24x36}""": ThisDrawing.SendCommand "(psetup " & PageSetup & ") "

Heres the Lisp code:

; Jason Piercey . May 16th, 2003
; assign a pagesetup to a layout
; [layout] - string, layout name
; [setup] - string, pagesetup to assign
; return: T or nil
; modified by chris castelein 10-31-05
; to pass paper size as an argument.
; original prompt code left in and remarked out.
(defun putPagesetup (layout setup / layouts plots)
(defun item-p (collection item)
'(lambda () (setq item (vla-item collection item))))))
(or *acad* (setq *acad* (vlax-get-acad-object)))
(or *doc* (setq *doc* (vla-get-activedocument *acad*)))
(setq layouts (vla-get-layouts *doc*))
(setq plots (vla-get-plotconfigurations *doc*))
(setq layout (item-p layouts layout))
(setq setup (item-p plots setup))
(not (vla-copyfrom layout setup))
(defun massoc (key alist / x nlist)
(foreach x alist
(if (eq key (car x))
(setq nlist (cons (cdr x) nlist))
(reverse nlist)

; Return: list of all pagesetups defined in the current drawing or nil
(defun getPagesetups ()
(massoc 3 (dictsearch (namedobjdict) "Acad_PlotSettings"))
; Jason Piercey . May 19th, 2003
; assign pagesetup to layout(s)
; LIMITED testing
; written for Shawn McDonald
(defun psetup (page / lst res)
(setq lst (mapcar 'strcase (getPagesetups)))
(while (not page)
;(setq page (strcase (getstring T "\nspecify pagesetup to apply: ")))
(if (or (= "" page) (not (member page lst)))
(progn (princ "\npagesetup not found") (setq page nil))
(initget "All Current")
;(if(not(setq res (getkword "\n[All/Current]apply pagesestup to which layout(s) <all>: ")))
;(setq res "All")
(setq res "Current")

(if (= "All" res)
(foreach x (vl-remove "Model" (layoutlist)) (putPagesetup x page))
(putPagesetup (getvar "ctab") page)
(princ "\nFinished")

Hope this helps you and somebody else!
I already have my next question for ya tommy.. so look for my next post soon