Hi there,

I recorded a macro that creates a textbox with "draft" in it to indicate a draft. I recorded another macro that selects a text box and deletes it.

Problem is, it identifies the specific text box, so if another text box is created subsequently, the macro to delete won't work, because it will be looking for "#8" or whatever it is, rather than the one I want.

So, I changed the code to look like this...

Sub DraftClear()
' DraftClear Macro
End Sub

SelectAll is groovy, BUT if the document has other text boxes in it, this code will delete them all.

So, I want the code to only select the textbox with "draft" written in it. Assuming this is possible at all, how might I accomplish this?

Thanks, you can probably tell easily that I'm about as new to VBA as can be.
I appreciate any help you can provide.