[vba]SELECT Customers.ContactLastName, Customers.PhoneNumber, Rentals.Rentals, Rentals.[Return Date], Rentals.Media, Rentals.[Due Date], Rentals.[Rental Date], Rentals.[Media Item Category], Media.GAMES, Media.Title, Media.DVD, Media.VHS, Categories.CategoriesID
FROM ((Customers LEFT JOIN Rentals ON Customers.CustomerID = Rentals.CustomerID) LEFT JOIN Categories ON Rentals.[Media Item Category] = Categories.[Media Item Category]) LEFT JOIN Media ON Rentals.Media = Media.Media
WHERE (((Rentals.[Return Date]) Is Null));
I was able to get results by properly joining the tables...not sure if they are the right results, but if you paste that into the SQL view, you will see the difference in how the joins are.

I attached the one I altered. Query1 is the one represented by the above SQL