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Thread: 2 more for the Road

  1. #1
    VBAX Master stanl's Avatar
    Jan 2005

    2 more for the Road

    Since xlGibbs just posted that this forum was excellent {and I agree} and could be Extended <---- keyword

    I have additional LogParser Snippets to (1) create Access Table via ADOX/LogParser to capture directory files (2) Using LogParser to turn CSV into Gif (with optional windows display).

    The current Logparser forum is offline {I think they will be coming out with a Vista/64bit version} but it remains a great SQL tool.

    One of my first interest in XML was to create structures to contain structures and having examined LogParsers COM extensibility {from the .wsc standpoint, not .NET} it appears you can output .wsc as Ascii files and re-employ as distinct COM Objects to perform a variety of Logpar' sing ["if you catch my meaning... if you get my drift"]

    ....sorry... couldn't resist the FireSign Theatre reference


  2. #2
    VBAX Master stanl's Avatar
    Jan 2005
    Let's look at csv2gif first... Logparser integrates the chart object (whether Excel is installed or just the free OWC) so you can easily create/display them based on .csv files. The code is more adaptable to an external script, but below are basics in a sub you can place in Excel (csv is in the zip).

    Note To self: at first the "*.*" in the sql query string asked if my glass was half empty or half full... these LogParser guys!!!!!

    Sub csv2gif()
    cCSV = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\carinv.csv"
    cGIF = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\carinv.gif"
    If Dir(cCSV) = "" Then Exit Sub
    If Dir(cGIF) <> "" Then Kill (cGIF)
    cSQL = "SELECT Make, count(Make) AS Makes into " & cGIF & " FROM " & cCSV & "*.* group by Make order by Make ASC"
    MsgBox cSQL
    Set oLog = CreateObject("MSUtil.LogQuery")
    Set oInput = CreateObject("MSUtil.LogQuery.CSVInputFormat")
    oInput.headerRow = 1
    Set oOut = CreateObject("MSUtil.LogQuery.ChartOutputFormat.1")
    oOut.ChartTitle = "Break out By Car Make"
    oOut.ChartType = "ColumnStacked3D" 'see end of sub for available Chart Types
    oOut.View = 1 'this displays chart in window after creation
    oLog.ExecuteBatch cSQL, oInput, oOut
    Set oOut = Nothing
    Set oInput = Nothing
    Set oLog = Nothing
    End Sub
    'chart types
    'Line [default]

  3. #3
    VBAX Master stanl's Avatar
    Jan 2005
    I know what you must be thinking by now... dumb old stanl... same 10-14 lines, just does something different each time

    So, here [using about the same 10-14 lines] is an unusual use of Logparser - performing a recursive directory search and placing the data into an Access Table.

    For demonstration purposes I also used ADOX to create a new Access DB, as logparser with create the table. The SQL looks for all .xls files on C:, and took a few minutes on my machine; you can change that to *.ppt, *.doc... whatever... Stan

    Sub createtable()
    'set additional reference to ADOX
    cTable = "ExcelFiles"
    cSQL = "SELECT Path, Size, CreationTime INTO " & cTable & " FROM C:\*.xls ORDER BY CreationTime DESC"
    cMDB = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\xl.mdb"
    If Dir(cMDB) <> "" Then Kill (cMDB)
    'quickie to create Access database
    cConn = "Provider=MicroSoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & cMDB
    Set oCat = CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
    oCat.Create cConn
    Set oCat = Nothing
    Set oLog = CreateObject("MSUtil.LogQuery")
    Set oInput = CreateObject("MSUtil.LogQuery.FileSystemInputFormat")
    oInput.recurse = -1 'total recursion to all subdirectories
    Set oOut = CreateObject("MSUtil.LogQuery.SQLOutputFormat.1")
    'NOTE: the Jet 4.0 Provider was used to create the MDB, but
    'use the ODBC driver to create the table
    oOut.oConnString = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=" & cMDB
    oOut.createtable = 1 'documentation says values are ON|OFF, but use 1|0
    oLog.ExecuteBatch cSQL, oInput, oOut
    Set oOut = Nothing
    Set oInput = Nothing
    Set oLog = Nothing
    End Sub

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