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Thread: FORMTEXT conversion

  1. #1

    FORMTEXT conversion

    Hi Guys,

    I have to switch the FORMTEXT field to MacroButtonNoMacro. When I do that, after I hide field codes, the field disappears. I am attaching the file. Also I am trying to remove the denoted fields when showing the field codes mode, but the field is being deleted as well. I would appreciate if you can help me with these two problems. I have a deadline for it by the end of the day as I am at work. I am attaching the file. Really appreciate it. Also make sure you have the field codes shown. I am sure you know how to display them heh


  2. #2
    VBAX Wizard
    May 2004
    I have very little idea of what you are talking about.

    "I have to switch the FORMTEXT field to MacroButtonNoMacro"

    I have NO idea whatsoever what that means.

    The document looks terrible to me.

    You have a userform with NO controls on it - yet you have code for it that deals with controls.

    You are not making explicit names for objects. Text8 is poor naming.

    You have no error trapping. If you put just a space into your inoutbox from your macrobutton, and click OK, essentially it becomes no longer visible.

    You have REF fields that are errors as they try to REF to something that does not exist.

    There are so many things wrong I do not know where to start, but really, the most important thing is, I have no idea what you are asking.

    "I have to switch the FORMTEXT field to MacroButtonNoMacro"

    WHAT on earth does that mean????

    Maybe someone else can help you, but sorry, I can not. And certainly not under any pressure to get you something to deal with your deadline.

  3. #3
    VBAX Wizard
    May 2004
    BTW: you never responded in your other thread.

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