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Thread: For Input Line As

  1. #1

    For Input Line As

    Hi Bob and the VBA community!

    I was able to print line by line from the delimited text file into Excel sheet. My problem is the last 2 columns of data format though look alright in the "dd-mm-yyyy" format, but actually it isn't when I tested them with MONTH and DAY formula.

    I had earlier pre-formatted the last 2 columns in "dd-mm-yyyy" data format. What had I done wrong? Could anyone help me on this please.

    I am using XL 2000. Thanks very much.

    Option Explicit
    Dim Item As String, OrdQty, DelvQty, BalQty, OrderDate, PlnDelvDate
    Dim xlrw As Long, data As String, i As Integer, strLine, fileToOpen
    ' am using Excel 2000
    Sub OutstandingSO()
        xlrw = 2
        fileToOpen = Application.GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt), *.txt")
        Open fileToOpen For Input As #1
        Columns("A:A").NumberFormat = "@"
        Columns("B:D").NumberFormat = "0.00"
        Columns("E:F").NumberFormat = "DD-MM-YYYY"
        Do While Not EOF(1)
        Line Input #1, strLine
            If Left(strLine, 1) <> "" And Left(strLine, 2) <> "  " _
              And Left(strLine, 4) <> "Date" And Left(strLine, 4) <> "Item" _
              And Left(strLine, 2) <> "--" Then
                Item = Trim(Left(strLine, 13))
                OrdQty = Trim(Mid(strLine, 17, 8))
                DelvQty = Trim(Mid(strLine, 26, 10))
                BalQty = Trim(Mid(strLine, 37, 10))
                OrderDate = Trim(Mid(strLine, 48, 10))
                PlnDelvDate = Trim(Mid(strLine, 59, 10))
                Cells(xlrw, 1) = Trim(Item)
                Cells(xlrw, 2) = Val(OrdQty)
                Cells(xlrw, 3) = Val(DelvQty)
                Cells(xlrw, 4) = Val(BalQty)
                Cells(xlrw, 5) = Trim(OrderDate)
                Cells(xlrw, 6) = Trim(PlnDelvDate)
                xlrw = xlrw + 1
            End If
        Close #1
    End Sub

  2. #2
    Distinguished Lord of VBAX VBAX Grand Master Bob Phillips's Avatar
    Apr 2005
    See if this helps


    Cells(xlrw, 5) = CDate(Trim(OrderDate))
    Cells(xlrw, 6) = CDate(Trim(PlnDelvDate))
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    James Thurber

  3. #3
    Thanks a lot

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