Hello all,

I am not sure if this has been already asked and/or answered, but I have a big problem with Outlook 2007. I have recently switched from Outlook 2003 to Outlook 2007. The issue is related to inserted pictures. On Outlook 2003, if I insert a 42 KB JPEG picture, message size is around 60 KB, which is great, perfect.

But if I insert a 42 KB JPEG picture on Outlook 2007, message size is around 3 MB (three MEGA byte). This is completely increbible, in a negative way, it is a big dissapointment.

Is there any solution for Outlook 2007 to behave the same as Outlook 2003, from this perspective ? I have checked several forums, but information I have seen is too basic.

Please advise. Thank you in advance.
