Do you remember ever hearing about Einstien's theory of relitivity, well he actually "borrowed" it from me a while back. Mind you he edited it a bit from my version.

Basicill\y my version is as follows.... "Its all relative to where you are standing" and from where I'm standing you are beneath me.

Don't be falling for that compass theory, for its a bit like the climate change theory being bandied about the media. There are more than 360 points around a compass. All compasses are subject to error rates comprising the magnetic fields currently running about the earth. So I would worry about what direction you think you might need to go.

One other thing to remember, if you ever get to Heathrow and the authorities let you on a plane to come to Australia, just ask the pilot. "Do I need to go up to ge tthere" and he'll say Sure do mate, other wise we'll run into the airport boundry fence on take off.

Don't worry about the "Down UNder" title its just there to confuse you. Much like "Outback", "Long Paddock", "How far to the nearest town... about a six pack"