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Thread: Get actual page height

  1. #1

    Get actual page height


    Does anyone know the way to get the height of the page that is actually usable. E.g. the page height without the header, footer, margins etc?



  2. #2
    VBAX Master
    Feb 2011
    Is this related to your other question?

    If you're trying to get the height of a single page in Word, you run into problems. Pagination in Word is heavily dependent on your printer driver. Everything you see related to "pages" is simply an approximation (sometimes a good one, but not always) of what Word thinks will be printed out on the printer you have currently selected.

    Sorry to go conceptual on you, but this topic is talked about a lot.

    Pages don't really exist as separate entities in Word, at least, not in the way we think of them (and not in the way that "Slides" exist in Powerpoint, which is the way you would like pages to exist in Word).

    Sections exist in Word. Paragraphs. Then characters.

    If you're wondering how to get the height of any page in a *section* of a word document, it should be pretty easy... take the height of the page (if you're in portrait, width of the page if you're in landscape), and start subtracting the margins.

    Recording a macro and adjusting those various settings (page type and all the margin values you see) will give you insight into the various properties. But I suspect that's not what you're trying to ask.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the response. I think that I have found a way around the issue without using pages within word. I got the impression that I might have been biting off more than I could chew!

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