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Thread: .FormulaArray entry limited to 256 character equation??

  1. #1

    .FormulaArray entry limited to 256 character equation??

    I'm entering array equations into cells.
    D2 below works.
    E2 doesn't--because the equation is more than 256 characters long.

    I'll rewrite this equation to make it work but does anybody have a generally applicable clever approach that will side step the 256 character limit? (Excel 2007)

    Dim A1 As String
    Dim D2 As String
    Dim E2 As String
    D2 = "=IF(SUMPRODUCT(IF(LoanNo=$J2,1,0),IF(NewPropAddress=$R2,1,0)) <10, TEXT(SUMPRODUCT(IF(LoanNo=$J2,1,0),IF(NewPropAddress=$R2,1,0)),""  0""),SUMPRODUCT(IF(LoanNo=$J2,1,0),IF(NewPropAddress=$R2,1,0)))& "" | ""&J2"
    E2 = "=SUMPRODUCT(IF(LoanNo=$J2,1,0),IF(NewPropAddress=$R2,1,0),IF(TradeRisk=""Lower"",1,0))+SUMPRODUCT(IF(LoanNo=$J2,1,0),IF(NewPropAddress=$R2,1,0),IF(TradeRisk=""Moderate"",1,0))+SUMPRODUCT(IF(LoanNo=$J2,1,0),IF(NewPropAddress=$R2,1,0),IF(TradeRisk=""Higher"",1,0))"
    n = 4
    If ActiveCell.Offset(0, n).FormulaArray <> D2 Then ActiveCell.Offset(0, n).FormulaArray = D2
    n = n + 1
    If ActiveCell.Offset(0, n).Formula <> E2 Then ActiveCell.Offset(0, n).Formula = E2

  2. #2
    Distinguished Lord of VBAX VBAX Grand Master Bob Phillips's Avatar
    Apr 2005
    No need for array entering

    Dim A1 As String
    Dim D2 As String
    Dim E2 As String
    D2 = "=IF(SUMPRODUCT(IF(LoanNo=$J2,1,0),IF(NewPropAddress=$R2,1,0))<10," & _
             "TEXT(SUMPRODUCT(IF(LoanNo=$J2,1,0),IF(NewPropAddress=$R2,1,0)),""  0"")," & _
             "SUMPRODUCT(IF(LoanNo=$J2,1,0),IF(NewPropAddress=$R2,1,0)))& "" | ""&J2"
        E2 = "=SUMPRODUCT(IF(LoanNo=$J2,1,0),IF(NewPropAddress=$R2,1,0),IF(TradeRisk=""Lower"",1,0))" & _
             "+SUMPRODUCT(IF(LoanNo=$J2,1,0),IF(NewPropAddress=$R2,1,0),IF(TradeRisk=""Moderate"",1,0))" & _
    n = 4
        If ActiveCell.Offset(0, n).Formula <> D2 Then ActiveCell.Offset(0, n).Formula = D2
        n = n + 1
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